  • weekly newsletter

CEO Chat with BMLL Technologies

How can firms increase data analytics without incurring excessive overhead?

How can firms increase data analytics without incurring excessive overhead?

Weekly Newsletter

SEC Mulls Rule 605 Reform

The price-time requirement might not be enough anymore.

Data is harder to come by in the less liquid, off-the-run Treasury securities.

Market shifts away from submission-based pricing, toward independently validated reference prices.

Firm aims to deliver top-notch, high-quality infrastructure to the capital markets industry.

The secret is to have data consolidators compete with the SIPs, IEX says.

New algorithms use quantitative approach to execution.

Crypto funds are not just for family offices and high-net-worth individuals anymore.

Weekly Newsletter

CFTC Revises Volcker Rule

The aim is to lessen the burden on smaller regional banks and benefit the end users of derivatives.