With Eugene Kanevsky, James Redbourn, and Joanna Wong, CLSA
Credit Suisse execs assess what the lit order book on exchanges tells us -- and what it doesn't.
Breaking data silos is key to deploying automation beyond 'nuisance' orders.
FIX EMEA Trading conference panelists cite regulation, ESG, and data and analytics as priorities.
With Alison Hollingshead, Chief of Staff, Trading Platform & Core Technology, and Sam Ratcliff, Head of Execution...
Dark pools are an important source of liquidity, but there are pitfalls for traders, Eugene Budovsky of Credit Suisse writes.
Valéry Derbaudrenghien of Robeco works to optimize workflow while reducing operational risk.
A structured home-office work mix can optimize a trading desk's efficiency, Fidelity's Tom Stevenson writes.
Innovation and technology can help the buy side source liquidity, Chris Fiorito of River Road AM writes.