By Stephanie Oh, Markets Media Life Correspondent
IKEA is okay, but sometimes you can't beat antique furniture for its innate sense of traveling back in time. Olde Good Things is one of the largest architectural antique dealers in the country, and its stores are filled to the brim with antique architectural items from exotic doorknobs to vintage iron gates, to gorgeous fragile chandeliers that have survived for centuries to wooden mahogany farm tables.
First opened in 1995, Olde Good Things is a vast, upscale antique shop, a truly treasure-yielding spot that has established outspots in nine different locations, including Madison Avenue in New York, New Jersey, Texas, and California. The OGT team works under the philosophy of architectural salvage, saving antique and architectural artifacts from demolished nineteenth century and pre-depression buildings. Vampire-aged vintage mirrors with silvered glass are hung up on the walls where you can see the reflections of shimmering chandeliers.
You may have seen a truck with a roaring lion and a pink elephant glaring at you. The flatbed truck appears randomly, going around the city and sending the invitation to those people who want a piece of history in their home. If you have always wondered where you could get the furniture from Beauty and the Beast, visit the main Madison Avenue store to embellish your soul with the valuable antiques from the past.
Olde Good Things
149 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
(212) 321-0770
Mon-Sat 10 am- 7 pm
Sun 11 am - 7 pm
For more information on locations, visit the website.
Featured images via Olde Good Things (Facebook)