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Virtu ITG Europe Joins SIX as Trading Participant

Virtu ITG Europe Joins SIX as Trading Participant

SIX Swiss Exchange is pleased to welcome Virtu ITG Europe Limited as a new trading participant. For agency clients, the UK and Irish based company specializes in execution services. Virtu ITG Europe Limited brings the number of trading participants on SIX Swiss Exchange to 95, all of whom benefit from an attractive equity universe and highly liquid and efficient trading.

Gregor Braun, Head of Sales Switzerland & Europe at SIX Swiss Exchange, comments: "We are delighted to welcome Virtu ITG Europe Limited, another renowned trading participant, to our ranks. The growth in trading participants shows that the high quality of the SIX Swiss Exchange order book is appreciated and in demand in the market. And the growth is not least a consequence of the fact that we maintain and further develop our platform with constant innovation."

Virtu ITG Europe Limited is a subsidiary of Virtu Financial Inc, a global leader in market making and execution services based in New York (USA).

Source: SIX

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