By Stephanie Oh, Markets Media Life Correspondent
With so much heat packed up inside this centrally located city, New Yorkers are eager to escape from the air-conditioning to the sweet shores of nature. But while nothing beats a boardwalk with an ocean view, a good long stroll can be right in the heart of the Big Apple.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) has closed down New York's streets on select weekend days to welcome pedestrians, bikers, and staycationers to enjoy these traffic-free paths for eight years now. Summer Streets 2015 occurs on three consecutive Saturdays in August (two Summer Streets remaining as of now) where New Yorkers enjoy different activities in five different stops on a seven-mile stretched car-free bliss.
Summer Streets is actually inspired by international events like CiclovĂa (Colombia) and Paris Plage (France). There will be no fear of loud traffic horns, but a general whimsy of free activities like free aerobics, arts and crafts workshop, and walking tours around the secret places in your local neighborhood.
This year's Summer Streets also includes a giant water slide featured by Vita Coco Beach. A 270-foot air waterslide, where the New Yorkers might be able to cool down the humidity of summer, will be available at the Foley Square Rest Stop. However, to have a golden ticket for the slide, registration is necessary. Although the registration for this week's Summer Street Water Slide is over, the next one for August 15th opens on August 10th so stay tuned!
Summer Streets extends from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park, stretching along the Lafayette Street and Park Avenue.
August 8 & 15
7 am - 1 pm
For more information, visit the website.
For the registration of Water Slide, go here.
All images via Summer Streets FB.