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Three Latin American Exchanges Aim To Integrate

Three Latin American Exchanges Aim To Integrate

Bolsa de Valores de Colombia – bvc in the context of the process carried out together with the Stock Exchanges of Lima (BVL) and Santiago (BCS), which is aimed to an eventual integration of Stock Exchanges’ infrastructures and/or services, informs that in the Board of Directors meeting held on October 14th, the report presented by the independent consultant hired by the three entities was analyzed, which purpose is the study and analysis of the technical feasibility and potential paths that would allow to move forward in the abovementioned process. The report was also presented to the Board of Directors of BVL and BCS held on 28 September 2020.

Likewise, the Board of Directors of bvc in the mentioned session expressed its agreement with the report and decided to continue advancing with the joint execution of the aforementioned process, that agreed to delegate to the Committee formed by three Board Members and the CEOs of the three Exchanges, to hire a recognized prestige investment bank, expert in valuation of companies and assets, in order to prepare an independent valuation report for the three entities. The foregoing, conditional to the Board of Director of BCS and BVL adopting the same decision and those formally communicated to bvc.

It is the case up to date, we have been notified by BCS and BVL about the agreements reached in their Board of Directors’ meetings of September 28th , complying with the disclosure of this relevant information.

It should be noted that according to the progress made in the aforementioned study and analysis process, the Company’s Board of Directors will adopt the corresponding agreements related to an eventual materialization of the aforementioned integration which will be informed to the market according to the current regulation. Finally, it is convenient to mention that the Exchanges disclosed to the markets, as relevant information, the starting process of evaluation alternatives for regional integration of the three Exchanges on 13 January 2020, as well as the formation of the support and follow-up Committee of the process for Board of Directors.

Source: Bolsa de Valores de Colombia

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