  • sef
On April 9, 2013, the CFTC granted last minute no-action relief from portions of the CFTC’s swap reporting rules.

On April 9, 2013, the CFTC granted last minute no-action relief from portions of the CFTC’s swap reporting rules.

Icap Launches U.S. Swap Trading Platform Ahead of Final SEF Rules

The ongoing “futurization” of the OTC swaps market is creating upheavals in the traditionally bilaterally traded derivatives...

FX Dealing Capacity Expands

Swap Execution Facilities Seek Parity with Exchanges

Brave New World of OTC Clearing Close at Hand for Buy Side

FX Risk Management Goes High-Tech

CFTC Position Limits Rule Struck Down

Futures Exchange Applauds CFTC Block Trading Rule