ICE-NYSE Euronext: Different This Time?
As regulators and policymakers around the world rush to meet the G20 deadline for pushing all standardized derivatives...
It creates a dominant market making operation and a strong player in automated trading,” Sang Lee, principal at Aite Group,...
As banks continue to spin off proprietary trading desks, demand is increasing for cloud-based services for startup hedge...
SuperDerivatives Takes on Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters with App Store Market Data Platform
With much of the opaque $700 trillion swaps market set to be shoehorned by regulators into centralized clearing and...
Data centers have come to symbolize trading floors of the 21st century, with firms wanting to be co-located with exchange...
NYSE Liffe, the European derivatives arm of exchange operator NYSE Euronext, is making a move to capture some of the vast...
Taking Stock After Sandy