  • platforms
The need to trade multiple asset classes is the impetus for improving technology across the front-, middle- and back-offices.

The need to trade multiple asset classes is the impetus for improving technology across the front-, middle- and back-offices.

The complexity of technology, as well as increasing compliance and regulatory requirements and costs, has led financial...

Yet that’s precisely what’s happened in capital markets, in which data centers, as a byproduct of the rise of electronic...

Moscow is shaping up as a magnet for low-latency connectivity as both established and emerging markets come to embrace...

Market Users Fear SEC’s Rule SCI Lacks Bite

Trading technology is undergoing a transformation, from a facilitator of human-based trading to near-fully automated trading.

The ‘futurization’ of swaps, or the importing of constructs from the exchange-traded world into the world of OTC swaps place...

Banks and broker-dealers are the least prepared to cope with the European Union’s much-vaunted new settlement system, which...

Dark Pool Rules Stir Controversy