With options volume continuing to trend lower, buyers and sellers of options are increasingly concerned about trading...
Buy-side institutions are formalizing their approaches to transaction cost analysis (TCA), as complexity of markets requires...
The elusive search for liquidity in Europe continues for buy-side traders.
Trading technology is undergoing a transformation, from a facilitator of human-based trading to near-fully automated trading.
As markets become increasingly electronic, buy-side traders are faced with a bewildering number of choices in terms of...
The proliferation of dark pools and other alternative trading systems has led to a fragmentation of markets, which is a...
Capital markets stand to benefit from an infusion of advanced data center technology that’s now being deployed by...
Central bank supervisors have eased the liquidity requirements under Basel III, which should help cash-strapped banks by...
“Due to recent changes in market structure, the number of places a firm needs to look has grown considerably,” said Jess...