  • exchanges
Bulgarian Stock Exchange has been using Deutsche Börse’s trading systems since 2008, and T7 since 2019.

Bulgarian Stock Exchange has been using Deutsche Börse’s trading systems since 2008, and T7 since 2019.

Participants based in North America increased by more than 70%.

Cboe establishes a significant presence in Asia Pacific for the first time.

ICE can offer trade reporting services for single-name credit derivatives in the U.S.

DZ BANK, BayernLB and Deutsche Börse implemented the digital OTC derivative using DLT and cloud technology.

Contracts will be on the Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Green Bond SRI and Euro Corporate SRI indexes.

Opening the SimCorp platform to data vendors simplifies access to market data for investors.

The exchange aims to build a fully regulated digital asset ecosystem for institutional investors in Europe.

The closing cross was used to rebalance Nasdaq-listed securities in the Russell U.S. Indexes.