A critical mass of exchanges, ATSs, sell-side and buy-side firms, market data vendors, clearing houses, as well as...
It creates a dominant market making operation and a strong player in automated trading,” Sang Lee, principal at Aite Group,...
This involves a massive transformation, especially for swaps and other OTC derivatives markets.
As banks continue to spin off proprietary trading desks, demand is increasing for cloud-based services for startup hedge...
Improving the trading desk and trading floor led the list of 2013 spending priorities by firms responding to a survey...
Proprietary trading firms are expanding their multi-asset class trading capabilities in the face of shrinking margins from...
Data centers have come to symbolize trading floors of the 21st century, with firms wanting to be co-located with exchange...
Market Abuse Rules Raise Compliance Bar
SAC Insider Trading Case Highlights Role of Compliance Technology