Canada’s financial markets participants are implementing stringent pre-trade risk controls that to aim meet regulatory...
The complexity of technology, as well as increasing compliance and regulatory requirements and costs, has led financial...
A dizzying array of algorithms confronts buy side traders, making the choice of which broker to use for which algorithm...
Market Users Fear SEC’s Rule SCI Lacks Bite
Trading technology is undergoing a transformation, from a facilitator of human-based trading to near-fully automated trading.
A raft of clearing and reporting requirements related to OTC derivatives is heralding a new era of post-trade processing...
As markets become increasingly electronic, buy-side traders are faced with a bewildering number of choices in terms of...
The Securities and Exchange Commission has proposed new rules to require key market participants to have comprehensive...
That lies at the crux of the debate over dark pools, and in particular whether they should be required to provide some sort...