  • algorithmic trading

Dark Pool Debate

Market dynamics, not regulatory fiat, should dictate whether and where investors choose to access liquidity, say operators...

Dark Pool Debate

Market dynamics, not regulatory fiat, should dictate whether and where investors choose to access liquidity, say operators...

Fragmentation of liquidity in equity markets is being exacerbated by dark pools and algorithmic trading, and smart order...

MultiBroker will allow traders to choose between brokers when routing orders directly to the world’s major futures exchanges...

Capital markets firms are using advanced technology to maximize the quality of execution.

When fledgling hedge funds need assistance, who better to turn to than an elite hedge fund?

Social media is a large but still rapidly growing means of communication and efficient global interaction. Many of these...

New data feeds are being rolled out on an ongoing basis to satisfy customer demand, and the bandwidth needed to carry them...

Algorithmic trading can lead to large swings in trading positions, which if not properly monitored and controlled, can also...

Big Data holds Big Implications for the future of trading, including algorithmic trading, strategy development, quantitative...