  • algorithmic trading
Speed may not offer quantitative traders the edge it used to, but being fast remains a critical component of a systematic...

Speed may not offer quantitative traders the edge it used to, but being fast remains a critical component of a systematic...

Weekly Newsletter

MillenniumIT Eyes Post-Trade

Straight-through trade processing, long a market aspiration, may finally be gaining real traction.

"There is a big concern about liquidity on both sides of the Atlantic."

Simplifying Complex Order Books

Algo optimization needs to be an ongoing collaboration of the buy side with its brokers and tech providers.

Latency is often thought of as a gating factor in accessing a pool of liquidity and executing a trade, but this is just one...

Combing Social Media for Trading Ideas

Liquidnet Prepares To Launch Bond Dark Pool

Tick-Size Pilot May Bifurcate Equity Market