Markets media asked can you #DefineHFT?
Poll from @marketsmedia
TradingScreen @TradingScreen
Large numbers of small buy and sell orders issued concurrently to support complex trade strategies and liquidity movement
Broadway Technology @bwaytech
continuously adjusting positions as fast as technologically possible to profit from mechanics of market infrastructure.
John Bates @drjohnbates
Computer-based quant trading algorithms 2 analyze mkt data streams in real-time, ID trading opportunities, place & mng orders w low latency
Neal Wolkoff @NealWolkoff
A Direct Access firm having no affirmative or negative obligations sending proprietary quotes to a marketplace using automated programs.
Jeffrey Carter @pointsnfigures
if they can't define HFT in 58 words I can't do it in 140 characters. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it's a duck
Eric Scott Hunsader @nanexllc
Trading that relies on speed over everything else for profitability. Or: Sub-second latency arbitrage trading.
Jock Percy @PerseusTelecom
HFT: trading often.
Sébastien Jaouen @orange_trading
#HFT: a technological race for the fastest execution infrastructure with different #trading and alpha generating strategies in play
CFTC Technology Advisory Committee Draft Definition, May 2012: HFT is a form of automated trading that employs algorithms, low-latency technology, high-speed connections, and high message rates.