In November 2019, Euronext received a joint request from AFME and the IA1 to consult our stakeholders on a potential reduction in trading hours and we consequently conducted a market consultation between April and June 2020.2
We consulted the markets we serve in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Oslo and Dublin, as well as our international stakeholders in the City of London. More than 100 responses were received with views ranging from global institutions to individual employees. We thank those who responded.
This consultation marked an important moment of dialogue within the European financial community. The breadth and depth of the issues discussed, under the heading of trading hours, highlighted not only the complex and challenging environment in which our industry now operates, but also emphasised the need for frequent and constructive dialogue within our community.
Broadly, the consultation highlighted that large UK buy side and sell side firms were, in general, in favour of a reduced trading day, whereas proprietary trading firms and retail stakeholders did not favour a change, and continental brokers were largely indifferent.
As a major operator of pan-European market infrastructure, we have to consider both the potential economic impact on the EU and its place in financial world, as well as the interests of all our stakeholders from all our markets. The pandemic has also accelerated changes within the industry, with new working practices and automation. We believe that the diversity issues raised are not simply a consequence of a long trading day. These issues have deep root causes that warrant a more comprehensive, industry-wide response. For these reasons, we do not consider there to be a strong enough case to reduce trading hours today and we therefore do not intend to modify the current functioning of our markets.
The paper can be dowloaded here.
Source: Euronext