  • NewsLetter
Data Management

Data Providers Add Speed and Breadth

Tick Data, a provider of historical intraday time series market data, has launched FX currency data to its offering of historical intraday market data.

The new FX Data Set includes tick-by-tick trade and quote data dating back to May 7, 2008 for over 2,000 global currency pairs.

"Spot FX data is a top priority for many traders and analysts, making this the most anticipated addition to our product offering in years," said Neal Falkenberry, president of Tick Data. "The ability to conduct quantitative research and analysis across multiple asset types is highly important to our clients. For this reason, we believe the financial community will benefit greatly from this exciting new product."

The FX Data Set represents Tick Data's first over-the-counter market offering, and adds a new asset class to a product line that also includes equities, futures, and options data. Tick Data will offer the data in three granularities; tick-by-tick trades and quotes, tick-by-tick trades, and one-minute trade-only data.

"Over-the-counter foreign exchange trading is by far the most active, highest value market in the world; nothing comes close," said Tom Myers, head of business development at Tick Data. "We believe our clients will be very pleased to have access to FX data that meets the same high level of quality they have come to expect from Tick Data."

Separately, Strike Technologies Services has completed a major upgrade to StrikeNET, its ultra-low-latency microwave network connecting the CME and Nasdaq data centers at Carteret, N.J., and Aurora, Ill.

StrikeNET offers customers the ability to transmit data at speeds of 4.17 milliseconds as measured from rack to rack. Using proprietary technology, StrikeNET is capable of fully optimizing scarce microwave bandwidth through unique compression methods, while at the same time dynamically adjusting operating specifications for weather conditions in order to provide record-breaking reliability. The network has been live and operational for the past six months and is consistently providing availability greater than 99.7%.

“This latest upgrade to our network positions StrikeNET as the best-in-class commercial microwave offering at a customer-friendly balance between reasonable pricing, high reliability and extreme low-latency,” said Shawn Melamed, global head of commercial products at Strike Technologies. “We believe that all capital markets firms should have access to microwave links between financial centers without the costly engineering and construction outlays required to build, operate or integrate this transformational technology. We’ve done the hard work; all customers have to do is order a cross-connect to seamlessly integrate and start transmitting data.”

Customers will continue to benefit from StrikeNET’s latency-reduction roadmap. The offering is now available in 5MB and 10MB discretionary bandwidth packages.

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