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Electronic Trading

CME to Launch Market-by-Order / Level 3 Data Solution

CME will introduce a market data feed featuring all individual orders, also known as “Level 3 Data”, on its CME Globex electronic markets platform in the last quarter of 2016. CME will gradually add the feed to its existing market data channels.

Other exchanges, notably many stock exchanges as well as CME’s main competitors Eurex and ICE, have had market data featuring individual order granularity for some time.

The data will provide more transparency on orders than CME Globex’s existing solution, which offers traditional depth of market data featuring 10 best bid levels and 10 best ask levels (sometimes referred to as “Level 2 Data”). It displays price, the quantity of contracts at that price and the number of orders making up the total quantity.

By comparison, CME’s MBO (Market By Order) solution will display all the individual orders in the book. This will result in significantly increased bandwidth.

The group expects that the increased transparency and level of depth of the order book will improve confidence in execution, by allowing traders to locate the position of their orders in the queue without any uncertainty. Previously, traders would have to roughly estimate their queue position.

The CME is also planning to make some historical order data available later in 2017.

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