BNY Mellon and Amundi today announced a transatlantic collaboration to further power growth of both companies by integrating world-class complementary capabilities and establishing new integration points between the firms.
This alliance immediately translates in the technological integration of BNY Mellon OMNISM, a client- and data-centric securities services platform, and Amundi’s ALTO*, its portfolio management system, across multiple areas that aim to deliver significant benefits, including integrated portfolio management and risk management tools, and operational efficiencies for common clients.
OMNI is the first transatlantic integration into ALTO* to provide a distinctive client experience by combining and interconnecting our offerings to deliver an enhanced front-to-back service that:
This alliance aims to deliver an automated and simplified workflow throughout the investment cycle of securities held in portfolios, to prioritize consistency of data between the portfolio and the depositary, to enhance risk management and optimize investment decision-making for asset managers.
"Amundi has always considered technology as a key differentiating factor in the Asset Management industry, and as such we have consistently developed our own capabilities together with our top-quality teams. For the last three years, Amundi has extended these capabilities to our partner clients. This alliance with a leading financial institution such as BNY Mellon will help us access new markets, and expand our geographic coverage,"comments Yves Perrier, CEO, Amundi.
Source: Amundi
BNY Mellon and Amundi today announced a transatlantic collaboration to further power growth of both companies by integrating world-class complementary capabilities and establishing new integration points between the firms. This alliance immediately translates in the technological integration of BNY Mellon OMNISM, a client- and data-centric securities services platform, and Amundi's ALTO* (Amundi Leading Technology and Operations), its portfolio management system, across multiple areas that aim to deliver significant benefits, including integrated portfolio management and risk management tools, and operational efficiencies for common clients.
OMNI is the first transatlantic integration into ALTO* to provide a distinctive client experience by combining and interconnecting our offerings to deliver an enhanced front-to-back service that:
This alliance aims to deliver an automated and simplified workflow throughout the investment cycle of securities held in portfolios, to prioritize consistency of data between the portfolio and the depositary, to enhance risk management and optimize investment decision-making for asset managers.
Akash Shah, Head of Strategy and Global Client Management of BNY Mellon, said, "BNY Mellon has pursued a model of building deep, far-reaching strategic alliances with best-in-class providers, and we are pleased to collaborate with an innovative organization, such as Amundi. We share a commitment to excellence, a relentless focus on client centricity and an entrepreneurial ethos that makes this a powerful alliance. Together, we are helping to transform the investment lifecycle and drive clients' most important and strategic objectives."
Yves Perrier, Chief Executive Officer of Amundi, said: "Amundi has always considered technology as a key differentiating factor in the Asset Management industry, and as such we have consistently developed our own capabilities together with our top-quality teams. For the last three years, Amundi has extended these capabilities to our partner clients. This alliance with a leading financial institution such as BNY Mellon will help us access new markets, and expand our geographic coverage."
Guillaume Lesage, Chief Operating Officer of Amundi, said, "Amundi has developed a unique platform, ALTO*, which is both innovative and based on open-source technology, but also robust and efficient, capable of managing all types of assets worldwide. Amundi can also count on dedicated teams, with a recognised capability to transform businesses and implement software quickly. This expertise has enabled Amundi to convince a number of clients in Europe and Asia to adopt ALTO* as a 100% cloud solution. BNY Mellon, through its digital expertise, client focus, and strong global presence, will help us bring innovative solutions to Asset Managers."
Roman Regelman, Chief Executive Officer of BNY Mellon Asset Servicing and Head of Digital, said, "ALTO* brings a fresh perspective on a traditional technology. Our client-centric, open architecture approach enables us to seamlessly integrate the ALTO* platform with our unrivalled suite of securities servicing capabilities offered via the OMNI platform. This first phase of our cooperation will focus on front to back operational and liquidity efficiencies as an aspect of priority to portfolio managers, CIO's, Risk and Operational heads."
ALTO* is a portfolio management system developed by Amundi, covering the entire investment management value chain. The cross-asset and integrated platform covers portfolio analysis and simulation based on IBOR, order booking and execution, compliance, middle office, risk, performance and reporting. ALTO* benefits from an open-architecture model with continuous updates and innovations, using innovative technologies (machine learning, AI, end-user programming, etc.). The platform is available as a private cloud platform to asset managers, insurance companies, pension funds, and family offices, combined with services.
BNY Mellon OMNI is a client and data-centric open, modular platform designed to power and optimize the investment lifecycle. OMNI brings together BNY Mellon's leading investment servicing, data and analytics, and distribution solutions with resilient, system integrations. Together with our proprietary applications and key external collaborators, we provide clients with the scale and flexibility they need to grow.
Source: BNY Mellon